What to do if you think you have a swarm of bees
Our beekeepers will only be able to help with Honey Bee swarms. It would help us to establish the bee species if you are able to send a photo.
For more information on swarms and also determining whether you have honey bees, bumble bees or wasps, please go to the Scottish Beekeepers website here.
Swarms are useful to beekeepers who are usually willing to collect swarms if this is at all practical (we obviously need to be able to get at the swarm location).
If you have found a swarm, please contact:
Norman Forster: 07888 692393 or Heather Jackson: 07964 454128 or Nikki Monaghan 07535 546984
Note that whilst we can usually collect swarms, if you have an established colony of honeybees, removal is much more involved and we may not be able to help.
If you have Bumblebees, useful information can be found on the Bumblebee Conservation Trust website